I believe nowadays sustainability should be high on the agenda for any brand. I feel blessed to be designing for Alchemist, a pioneer brand in sustainable fashion. This way I can merge my love for fashion design with a good cause. It’s my personal challenge to constantly search for new ways to contribute. This gives a greater depth to the designing process. Respecting and re-defying Alchemist’s values in each garment, closely maintaining and strengthening its strong handwriting, sourcing and discovering more sustainable materials, and building dedicated relationships with our suppliers. 


Before I started working for Alchemist I never really knew what happened behind the scenes of a clothing brand. Like many of us, I’d buy a piece of clothing and wouldn’t really think twice about where it came from. Since working here I’ve learned how important it is to be engaged in every part of the process, from the very start of production until the time the clothing is added to our customers’ wardrobe. Luckily, we can really make a change, because sustainable fashion is here to stay! Alchemist has a great story to tell and i’m excited to share this story with the world. 


Selling high-end fashion is one thing, but to bring sustainable clothing onto the market is in my eyes doing something really worthwhile. Clothes made with respect for people and the planet. More and more people want to know where their clothes come from. So I’m proud we can answer that question honestly. Alchemist has from the very beginning always had a strong focus on sustainability and I think it’s wonderful to see how that resonates with increasing numbers of people. Sustainability has arrived, and is here to stay. 


I love how Caroline is constantly striving to make her own brand better, and doing her bit to get the fashion industry to do likewise. By making conscious choices about materials, and where and how they produce their clothes, Alchemist represents values I endorse. With a vision about other people and our planet. Alchemist pays close attention to detail, and designs with a sense of awareness and real soul. Seeing someone wearing clothes we’ve made for Alchemist makes me proud. And as a consumer, too, I simply love that unmistakable Alchemist signature! 


When I started out, I didn’t even know how a t-shirt was made. But today I can say with confidence that the Alchemist garments made in Portugal are made with love for the customer. I’ve been working as a textile agent for over 25 years. I love my work and the buzz that surrounds the world of clothes. Every single day brings new challenges. Not all of them are easy to solve, but the satisfaction of seeing the final product in the hands of my clients makes it all worth it. Over the years, I’ve been lucky enough to work with some really wonderful customers and extremely professional producers. But I really like working with Alchemist because of their strong focus on the sustainable fashion industry. The customer dreams, I then set the whole process in motion and the manufacturers bring those dreams to life. As we say in Portugal, ‘God wants, the man dreams, the work is born’.