We wrote this during Covid. Because of this special period, we'll leave the text here.
We understand that social distancing can be challenging. Especially now, when spring is around the corner and you really want to be close to your loved ones. Here are some sustainable indoor activities to help you through these days! Thanks to our dearest team member Loïs for coming up with these ideas and beautiful drawings.


Don’t throw away your old bunch of flowers, but make something beautiful out of it. Select the flowers, take a book and place the flowers between newspaper or kitchen paper, and place the book on top of it. Let the flowers dry for a couple of days. You can create anything you want. Stick the flowers on a nice paper and create a postcard, or place the flowers in a glass picture frame so you can hang it on the wall as a piece of art.


A beautiful warm old pink hue, a bright orange color of soft yellow; food gives the most beautiful colors. Keep your food scraps like skins and peels to make natural paint! Cut the food in small parts and put them in a pot with two times the amount of water. Bring the water to a boil, then put it on low heat and let steep for an hour. Filter the water. The remaining liquid is your dye. You can use the dye to paint on paper or dye a fabric like cotton. The beautiful natural colors of nature will surprise you! Something our team member Marianka likes to do around Easter, is to dye eggs in a natural way using onion peels, an old stocking and some flowers or leafs, like shown here.


If you have kids, you know that coloring books are always a fun time! This Alchemist special is available to download for free. If you colored it in, please let us know. We would love to see the end result!


Make your own paper by recycling old paper and adding dried flowers. This is a great way to turn something old into something new! What you need is a large container with water, paper, dried flowers, a blender or a mixer, a sponge, netting wire and a frame. You can make the frame by attaching 4 wooden slats to each other and attaching netting wire to it. Tear the paper into small pieces and let the paper soak in the water. Blend it with a mixer until it turns into pulp. Fill a container with water and add the pulp and dried flowers to it. Place the frame in the water and slowly move it back and forth until the frame is evenly covered with the pulp. Take the frame out of the water and press the back with a sponge so that the water is sucked out. Let the paper dry for a little bit, then carefully remove the paper while it’s still damp. Place the paper on a towel and let it dry completely, this will take about a day. This will definitely get messy, but the results are beautiful. Have fun! Check out our tutorial on IGTV